The Benefits Of Offering Retail In Your Beauty Biz

Jun 04, 2023

Offering retail in your beauty biz has massive benefits, not only for your bottom line, but for your client experience! Some business owners feel uncertain if offering retail to their clients is really something they should venture into. Choosing to sell retail means that you have to be dedicated to getting in the routine of selling to your clients at every appointment. It also means you have an additional expense toward investing in products. However, the investments you make in retail are really what’s going to help you make more money overall. Let’s work through some of the main benefits you’ll gain by offering retail in your business!

Increases Revenue & Profits

We all want to make more money in our beauty businesses, right? Imagine this: you have an appointment that would originally produce revenue of $50 for a single spray tan service. However, since you’ve decided to add retail into your business, you offer that same client a tan extender that retails for $30. In this situation, you have the opportunity to increase a $50 appointment to a $80 appointment with a simple five minute post tan conversation on why this product is going to improve the client’s results. Now, imagine doing that for every single appointment you have in a day! This extra income really starts to add up without having to put forth a ton of extra time or effort. In order to increase the profits you see in your business, you have to do one of two things - 1. Decrease expenses or 2. Increase revenue. When you raise the average sales ticket of your appointments, you increase your revenue, which in turn, increases your profits. That, my glow-getter friends, is how you grow your business and make more money!

Client Experience 

Your clients come to you to get an amazing result from their service. They expect their investment into getting a professional spray tan with you will allow them to look incredible once it’s developed, but also that their tan will last as long as possible. In order to make these results the best they can be, your client’s should be using the right products! Instead of sending them to a big box store and quite literally throwing the opportunity away to bring more money into your business, take advantage of offering those client’s products they can trust from a company they can trust - YOUR company! When your client is educated on the products they should be using to get and keep their glow looking fabulous for longer, they will rave even more about your business to their friends and family!

Industry Expert

As the professional in the relationship between you and your client, you have a responsibility to take the role as the expert so that you can guide your client to getting optimal results from their service. When you offer products to make their experience better, your clients will view you with a new sense of authority and expert status because you're now taking more of an initiative to educate them. This is why if sales feels like an icky word to you or makes you feel nervous, remember that “selling” to a client is really just educating them on what is going to work best for them. Once you start educating them more frequently and provide them with products that elevate their experience, they will have even more trust in you as a service provider. All in all, retail helps you show that you actually know your ‘ish!

Offering retail products in your business is a great way to bring in more money. BUT, it also has the added benefit of making your beauty biz the go-to place for all things sunless for your clients! No more sending clients away to purchase their tanning care products from someone else. Retailing is a way of showing your clients that you are the one stop they can go to get a long lasting glow with products they can trust because you’re the sunless tanning expert. In the eyes of the client, the products you offer are clearly going to be the best option for them.

X-Tan offers premium sunless retail items that range from pre & post spray tan care to at home tanning must-haves. To explore all of your professional wholesale options, make sure to head over to the X-TAN Sunless Website! 

